Friday, January 29, 2010

Note to our readers

I (Paul) sent an email to all of those going to Israel and let them "post" on this blog. This means that you need to look at the bottom of each post to see who the person is. When I make a post it will say in light letters "posted by Paul Glazner". Some people may only use their first name like: "posted by Joy". It will give you some good insight to many perspectives on the trip and that way several people can go to an internet cafe and post to the same blog all at once.
We are appreciative of the prayers and comments. It makes this trip all the more special!!
One of the requests will be the lOOOOOng flight to Israel. We leave at 6:18 in the morning on Monday, February 1 and arrive the next day at 6:00 in the evening. There are three legs of the Chicago, to Frankfort, Germany and then to Tel Aviv, Israel. Each switch has a couple of hours of wait time between flights. Israel is 10 hours ahead of Pacific Coast time, so we will arrive at 10:00 AM Oregon time meaning our total flight time is about 28 hours. We will be tired!

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