Friday, February 5, 2010

The Jordan River

We went today to a strategic lookout over the Jordan river. It was near the place where the children of Israel had gathered to cross the Jordan into the promise land. We reviewed in our minds how the priests, carrying the Ark of the Covenant, which symbolized the very presence of God stepped into the water at just the time God stopped the river. They took 12 stones from the middle to make a permanent memorial on the bank to remind them of God’s work and power, and to teach the next generation when they asked about the stones. There are some amazing parallels between Joshua parting the Jordan as a new leader, Elisha parting the water as he took over from Elijah, and Jesus coming to almost the same place to be baptized. God parted the water for them, but he parted the heavens when Jesus was baptized. How great to be at places where these things are so clearly laid out before us!


  1. Great post. An Awesome God.
    Kathy Bend, OR

  2. so glad it is going well and you are seeing such awesome things. i love you guys, and we'll see you in a week! (tell mom i love and miss her too!)

  3. We missed you all on Sunday . . . Pastor Ed did a super job in your absence Paul - but I'm sure you still have a job when you come home. I can't believe you have energy at the end of the day for posts - but thanks for the great details! Hi to Dan & Savanah - hope she is getting enough to eat!! Deb Walker
