Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Screaming Babes and a Tree Grows in Tel Aviv

We arrived in Tel Aviv safe and somewhat sound. Mostly exhausted. Screaming babies shouldn't be allowed on airplanes. They should be sent to first class where they can have nice cushy chairs to make them very nice and homey. Or, better yet, build some kind of a unit to tow behind the plane for families with young children. Just one screaming baby can ruin an otherwise perfectly good flight. Nonetheless, we are here in this city of two parts Jaffe and Tel Aviv. We saw the original port where the ships used to enter all those years ago and the home of Simon the Tanner (Acts 9). It's an early morning for us so we're going to bed. BTW, Terry had an eventful walk tonight. He was enjoying the ocean view as he would, of course, and walked face first into a tree. So, he has an owie on his nose now. Let's hope that's the worst of his accidents.


  1. this is so cool...thanks for sharing your adventures!!!

  2. Hey Sarah Wheland, it's Kathy Poncy from Bend. YOu have a wonderful/blessed time over there. My blog is on blogspot so if you sign on to it while you are there, I can get an Israel dot on my map. Only if you can. Know I will be praying for all of you, and following right along.

    Kathy http://5catsandthetruth.blogspot.com

  3. Well, Paul, I see what sleep deprivation does to you! That's hilarious!

  4. I am laughing, poor Terry! I bet Joy is getting a big kick out of that! I love the comment about the "some kind of unit to tow behing the plane!" LOL..I'm sure that is winning you all kinds of points with the mom's of young children! :)

    Love you guys...keeping writing and we will keep reading!
