Thursday, February 4, 2010

Screaming Babies and a Tree Grows in Tel Aviv

We arrived in Tel Aviv save and somewhat sound. Mostly exhausted. Screaming babies should not be allowed on airplanes. They should be sent to first class where they can have nice cushy seats and they can feel nice and homey. Or, better, yet, build some kind of a contraption to tow behind the jet that's made just for families with children. Just one screaming baby can ruin an otherwise perfectly good flight. Nonetheless, we are in this city of two parts, Jaffe and Tel Aviv. We saw the original port where the ships entered so many years ago and the home of Simon the Tanner, the friend of Peter (Acts 9). It's an early morning for us tomorrow so we're going to bed. BTW, Terry had an eventful walk tonight. He was enjoying the ocean view as he would, of course, and walked face first into a tree. So now he has a big owie on his nose. Let's hope that's the worst of his accidents.

1 comment:

  1. Paul here....I want to make a disclaimer. Even though this says it was posted by Paul, It is really from Joy Garrelts. She couldn't log onto her name, so she posted on mine. Just saying...
